Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My first week after the sleeve

It's been a while. Since I last posted, I've had my surgery and gone through almost a week of recuperation.  I can't believe how fabulous I feel.

Today I attended the 1 week post-op class at my hospital.  They taught us about portions, foods and food triggers.  I have read several books and lots of information on the internet.  I joined several forums so I could learn as much as possible.  What was interesting is that most people wrote about a week of clear liquids, some time with liquids then pureed food before we go to a much more robust diet.  Surprisingly, though, at my class, they put us on 'real' food.  No more liquid diet, and no pureed foods.  We (our teeth) are the blender, pureeing our food.  How could that be?  But I am thrilled to death.

We got a 1/2 cup portion of food (okay, it was hospital food, but it was better than yellow jello) and were taught how to mindfully eat it.  It was the best beans and cottage cheese meal I ever ate.  Yup!  Nasty as it was, it tasted soooo good.

I got the cues for when I was full and stopped when I was supposed to.  I waited my 30 minutes after eating before I picked up the water bottle. 

First day....success!!!

I still need to figure out my protein drink goal since I'm allergic to most of the good protein drinks out there, but I'll wait until tomorrow to figure that out then venture out to the store (the first time driving since surgery!) to wrap that up, too.

All in all it's been a great week.

I'd love to hear from you as to how you dealt with your first week up to the first month.  Please leave comments for me. 

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